Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sweet as Cotton Candy

Finally complete. This one is for my friend WishBear2001 from the Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake forums. It's an illustration of her character based on herself, Cotton Candy. Drawn in SSC 2009 style and hugging Twink from Rainbow Brite. She was meant to be standing in the snow, but considering it took 3 tries to get a drawing that looked like this, I felt it was okay for to be just a character portrait.

I don't mind doing requests for friends, I just hope they're cool with whatever liberties I may take on the picture.

Anyway, Happy holidays, Wish. Enjoy your self-characterization.

I posted two versions. The black and white and the colour. Unfortunately the colour version looked better in real life, as my scanner dosen't seem to pick up on finer colours.

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